Growing up just across the street from the infamous Link was always a treat. Although I have never know someone always on the go as much as he always is. (except maybe Uncle Dan Heap) He always had a Coke and Candy on hand if needed. I loved to go in his back yard and visit the race horses he kept there. They were so big and wild, but very beautiful.
I was always a little scared of them but loved to look at them. A couple of times I even shared a piece or two of the sweet gain they ate.I can't remember seeing Uncle Link without his contagious smile which I will miss so much.
Our kids raised a pig this year for 4-H, which was really quite fun. We all learned alot, since the animal raising side of the Sherwood family never rubbed off on me. The extent of my knowledge came from raising chickens to fly off the tree house in a race with Aaron, Matt and Vern's chickens. Which ever chicken hit the ground first won. we then of course had to share our fun game with Aunt Kathy's kids when the came to visit, I'm sure they didn't play this game in California!!Anyway I was so interested in the Judging of the animals, especially the steers. There were some particularly beautiful steers that the Patterson kids had raised that I kept my eye on. The judge had stated that he wasn't sure there would be any Prime or Choice beef in the 4-H steers this year. But this was before he judged the Patterson steers. ( Which I was proud to find out came from Link). They were the only steers shown that the judge considered choice beef, I believe was the word he used. I wished Uncle Link , Brook , Matt and Shelia and whomever else has had a hand in the amazing breeding of these animals could have been there.
This morning I was up making Salsa and called Shurell to find out what time we were going to meet at the Cemetery to do some cleaning, she was already their and it was only 6:45 AM who probably the earliest she ever dragged out of bed!!! Just kidding but this let me know how much she loved Uncle Link and Aunt Linda. Jimmy Booth was also there and had almost one plot cleaned, everyone who knows Uncle Link care for and Loves him.
We decided to work on Alma and Gleason's Plot also, as we were sitting in the beautiful weather pulling weeds I was feeling so sad for the Sherwood family who were losing their father, when I realised he would see his Father and Mother soon, and his Grandfather and Mother who raised him also. This gave me peace, as I hope it will his family. we Love you all and are praying for you at this difficult time.
Travis and Rashelle Price and Family
First picture Gleason and Alma Sherwood Wedding Picture
Second Link asleep on the lawn- Proff he did rest some time!
Third picture Gleason and Alma
Fourth picture Gramper Heap kathy and Link
Wow..I canmt believe Shurell was up that early either!! Thanks for the pictures and memories