I have been checking this blog off and on most of the day. Thank you Aunt Debbie for setting it up. I have really appreciated what everyone has posted. It really brings back a lot of memories. After reading Relly's post, and knowing that Dad truly was the "Wet Willy KING", I remembered some pictures that were taken last Thanksgiving when the entire family was at Dad and Mom's on the ranch in Texas. I just had to let Relly know that some things never change, and that sometimes you get what you give. As you can see, in the first picture Matt is obviously doing something to Brooke. I don't think there is any question of what is going on in the second pic!! Mom kept trying to get everyone to settle down, but these are pretty indicative of what happened when we all got together. I wouldn't have it any other way. Thanks to all for the memories.
Mark I am so glad you had a picture of the wet willy payback... :) Shurell